Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Advertising is a necessary evil. When it's not necessary, it's just evil."

So I was putzin' around the Internet like I usually do, doing some low-key maintenance edits at TVTropes--the pop culture fanatic's favorite time-waster. We Tropers, as we call ourselves, have a certain perverse fondness for our ad server. Some of the strange stuff it pops up now and again, like dubious dating site ads and humorous juxtapositions between pages like "Bad Bad Acting" and a California character actor's webpage, are pretty amusing.

When it dropped this particular nugget on the page I was viewing, though, I couldn't help but giggle. Not because of the corrolation between it and the page--I.E., none--but because of the ad itself:

Yes, I know the file name is off. I know it's actually Radar Love. But you tell me he DOESN'T sound like he's saying 'red eye love.'

"See who has a dead-eyed, slack-jawed stare in your area today!"

There was also this one. While it's not quite as "lol, trying too hard" as the above, it's still quite the cornucopia of fail:

I'm sorry, but Jack Black has rejected your application to the School of Rock.

Let's go over your problems, shall we?

1) On the upside, that's a nice color sceme! On the downside, I'm now blind.
2) "Is that Comic Sans?" No, but that font manages to be just as aggressively ugly.
3) My hed iz pastede on yey!

All I know is, I'll be keeping my eye out for more bad banner ads. There's got to be more hilarity where this came from...

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